December 21, 2007

Depression Formula

If you're feeling blue in the winter months ~ or anytime ~ increase your fruit and veggie intake and try this herbal formula to perk you up:

Combine 1 tsp tincture of each of the following and drink alone (not with meals) 1/2 cup in morning and 1/2 cup in evening ~

St. John's wort leaf and flower, ginkgo leaf, rosemary leaf, lavender flowers and 1/2 tsp of red ginseng.

Please take note as to whether your tincture is made with alcohol or glycerin and check with your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing.

1 comment:

Health Watch Center said...

Hi Gmama

Apitherapy is also called as bee therapy and is one of the most well known alternative therapies.

This therapy is used to treat the ailments by using the products which are made from the common honeybee’s venom and honey.

Alternative Medicine Zone