April 7, 2007

My Herbs are Coming!!

I just took a peak yesterday and 4 of my herbs have already sprouted: Flax, Johnny Jump-ups, Yarrow and California Poppy. Little tiny babies, but they're there! I plan to use them in my cooking and my teas ~ drying and fresh. Apparently, you can use the johnny jump-ups to decorate cakes and desserts because they have a sweet taste ~ can't wait to try it. California poppy has a nice calming effect and flax is good for lowering cholesterol. I'll post recipes as I use them. They all only took 5 days to germinate ~ WOW!


Health Watch Center said...

Hi Griffmama,

You have nice blog on herbs...but seems like you are on break...because there is not updates since April...are you on break or moved to other place?

Alternative Medicine Zone

Kim @ The Fitness Moms said...

I was on a break..but coming back now : ) Thanks!